Arnie2  Boxing can be a great sport, fitness activity, and even self-defense, but it does have a downside…

Read the story here.

In my hometown of Flint, MI, a former boxer turned security guard was sucker punched by a person carrying some type of weapon. The blow or blows resulted in him suffering fractured eye sockets, a cracked jaw and broken nose. Doctors inserted a plate into his cheek and pins near his eye sockets, while also having to open his sinus pockets and nasal cavities, which were crushed.

First of all, this is a chilling reminder of just how fragile the human body can be. Equally important, this sad situation should drive home the point that in real life, self-defense situations, there’s no referee, no rules, and most importantly, no ringing of a bell to start the action.

Admittedly, this used to be a problem for me.

My years of competitive amateur kickboxing and boxing gave me plenty of advantages in self-defense situations. The full-contact sparring prepared me for the reality of getting hit and how to stay cool under the pressure of that. The increased stamina helped, too. The only downside is that I tended to expect a fight to begin with both parties are ready, i.e., the ringing of the proverbial bell.

The problem was that the bad guys don’t play by these rules. More often than not, the only signs my erstwhile attackers ever gave me prior to their attacks were much more quiet than any bell. That said, once you learn how they operate, you’ll hear see – or hear – them coming from a mile away and have time to decide your course of action whether it be flee, stand your ground, pre-emptive strike, etc.

This kind of training cannot be found in any boxing gym, however.

If you really want to be ready for everything the bad guys might throw at you, try mixing in some scenario-based self-defense training that mimics real-life situations. Only this type of training can prepare you for all the tricks the bad guys employ. When you combine this knowledge with your boxing/kickboxing/Brazilian jiujitsu training, you’ll be armed with both the psychological and physical aspects needed to survive these types of encounters. In other words, you’ll be able to act “before the bell.”

And remember, stay safe, good people.

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